TED, for sure, it’s not all about hardcore technology and rhetorical design theories only. There are ideas, inspirations, discussions, and above all – there is motivation for all of us… We, as a leading web design company, too need this inspiration and motivation and we get it from different design books, documentaries and talks.

So, here is a list of our favorite TED conversations where these speakers walk us through their creative design process, urge us to draw out of the lines and foresee the coming days of our web. Time? Each video might cost you 10-25 minutes but when you are done watching them – you bet you would not be the same designer again.

Design Is In The Details – Paul Bennet

Paul Bennet, chief creative officer of IDEO speaks about design and shows us how small and big are part of same process in design. With his belief in human centric design, he convinces us that solving individual’s needs is a step towards solving the big corporate needs. No bar charts, no powerpoint – It’s Paul Bennet, his different experiences and his amazing stories. You’ve got to see it.  

Design and Discovery – David Carson

Everybody knows what tools and technologies are used for great design. We know them too. What really few people know is ‘how a great design is made through discovering the world’. David Carson knows that and shares his inspiring design discovery. It’s a pretty much random talk and touches a broad range of design types. He talks about typography, he talks about poor advertisements and he talks about seeing things beyond their skin.

3 Ways Good Design Makes You Happy – Don Norman

Don Norman – a great intellect, a great critic and even greater speaker. In this TED talk, he discusses the relationship between good design and emotion. Form over function vs function over form! He brings his cognitive sciences in this discussion and tells us how human brain processes the information at different levels, and how we can build a design that’s both functional and beautiful.  

Happiness by Design – Stefan Sagmeister

A thing of beauty is joy forever. Oh, this is not Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan is a graphic designer and in this talk, he says, good design is an instant joy. He shares his delightful experiences and those all came from making good design. He says there are 2 ways for experiencing happy design: being happy while experiencing the design and being happy while designing it. That’s how it works!


Intricate Beauty by Design – Marian Bantjes

About literary pieces of work, critics always tried to connect literature with its creator. Marian brings this discussion alive, but with a different subject. Marian Bantjes goes out and asks to throw your personality into the products to make them unique and stand apart from the crowd. Why?

Like most designers, Maria used to believe that ego and design shouldn’t be involved. It took her 20 years to shed off this style and add a pinch of personal approach. Every time she worked on a design, she poured her own ideas (styles) into it, as if it’s her product first and then the customers.

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