Fast is our favorite speed. That’s why we are Agile.

Agile is a free-spirited development methodology laid upon the ideas of short iterations, continuous inputs from clients, and instant flexibility to prioritize tasks. Our philosophy behind distributing Agile across Success System is to give our clients control of their projects and get the best of both, their budget and our skills.

Software Development isn’t just easy breezy code n fix thing. It involves lots and lots of resource planning, tasks distribution and prioritization, vendor-client communication and all that’s jazz. A single change in projects’ charter can wholly affect project’s timelines. That’s nightmare to both project managers and clients. Regardless of how simple or complex project is, there needs to be a dependable framework which lets ‘Work Happen’ as it ideally should.

You see, that’s what keeps most projects behind the tracks or worst fail to complete. Most common threats to Project’s success include:

Continuous changes in projects’ scope affecting projects’ deliverables and timelines

Prolonged release cycles pushing pressure over developers, testers and managers to deliver code

Delayed feedback loop between Clients and IT Vendors resulting in unwanted deliverables

SUCESS SYSTEM & Agile Development
We understand Agile and outsourcing. Which is why when our clients reach us to outsource a part of their project and want it done using Agile techniques we

ake the time to understand the business pain the product is meant to resolve.

Establish clear lines of communications so that you know what we are doing, and communicate and update regularly

Set up clear roles and responsibilities for all team members.

Ask for and analyses feedback from your customers and incorporate it in the next release

Release on a fixed schedule, so that continuity and reliability is maintained

Share a daily or continuous build so that both your and our team is working on common code

Use the same ticket manager or bug tracker system that you use.

What’s Agile To our Clients
To our clients, Agile means Total Control where they can change projects requirements as per their latest objectives, stay involved and included in projects’ progressive roadmap, and recommend and finalize their projects baselines in their very own fashion. In summary:

Project requirements are fashioned to latest market trends and needs. New features are easily added into projects’ charter without really disturbing the project’s flow

Instant and continuous feedback is maintained through Sprints, allowing clients to review the functionalities and approve or disapprove them accordingly

Time & budget are controlled through quick and short development cycles.


Did we say that we have STARTUP in our DNA. We love working on new
ideas and bringing them to life – its shows in the way that we get involved.
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